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Read what other Canfield Coaching clients have to say

“In 12 weeks, I am happier, healthier and more fulfilled spiritually and personally than I ever have been or even knew I could be. This Coaching Program has been one of the best investments I have ever made in myself! ”

— Cheryl S., OH, USA

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“It was worth every penny that I spent, at a time when most people in my life would have thought it was insane to spend that amount of money on a coach. While I'm unknown now, well, with the law of attraction, becoming known is only a matter of time. ”

— Cherie W., MI, USA

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“My coach, and the Success Principles program, has provided me with the support I need, and for that I am truly thankful. So…thank you, Jack, and a huge thanks to my coach for being such an amazing support to me during these last few months.”

— Camille M., CA, USA

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“The urge to prepare for the program helped me finalize my written life purpose and I am happy with what I’ve done. Now, 6 months later, I can really say that I’ve tested my current level of assertiveness, ability to accept criticism in a calm way, and to be quite independent from people’s evaluation and acknowledgment, and compared to the initial level (let’s say 1, now I feel like I am on level 5 of 10).”

— Sevdalina A., Sofia, Bulgaria

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“I would never have guessed that 30 minutes a week could be so life changing! But that’s exactly what it was.”

— Tamara J., N.C., USA

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